25 June 2024
Hello Parents and Carers,
This will be my last newsletter as Principal at Durham Road School as I am retiring at the end of term. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Durham Road School, our school has grown in size with new buildings being completed during my time here. Also in student numbers have grown along with staff numbers. I will have many happy memories of our students, the joy they find in learning at school and the wonderful work undertaken by the staff.
Ellen McAllister will be Acting Principal for the remainder of 2024. She can be contacted on 9238 0900 and her email is Ellen.McAllister1@education.wa.edu.au.
Reminder students return for Term 3 on Tuesday 16th July.
Kind Regards,
Linda Lane
Early Years News
Hello Parents and Carers,
Winter is finally here after such a long and hot summer. This is often our cold and flu season and we are ensuring hygiene protocols are followed carefully in classrooms to minimise the spread of any germs. Many thanks to our parents and carers for keeping their children home while they are unwell. Please ensure that all items of uniform are clearly marked with your child’s name so we can return them to their rightful owner.
As teachers have been finalising Semester 1 reports, I have really enjoyed reading about all of the activities the students have participated in and the successful programs they have completed. A huge thank you to all of our amazing staff who work so hard to provide engaging and individualised programs for their students. I’m sure you will be very proud of your child’s efforts and achievements when reports are sent home next week. As always, please make a time to discuss any concerns you may have with myself or classroom teachers.
This term we have been delighted to meet prospective Kindy students for next year, offer them a tour of the school and discuss options available for their education. We will be offering places to students at the start of next term. If you have completed an Expression of Interest for 2025, please confirm your contact details with the front office and we will be in touch soon.
Kind Regards,
Susan Moran
Deputy Principal
Primary News
Dear Parents and Carers,
The primary phase has had a great end to Term 2, with lots happening inside and outside the classroom.
On 15th May, the whole phase had an incursion provided by the WA Symphony Orchestra. The students were delighted to hear some familiar songs and themes being played, and the musicians then attended some of the classrooms to allow the students to have a hands-on experience with the instruments. Thank you to WA Symphony Orchestra for coming in, and thank you to Aine Callen, Room 15 Teacher, for organising this.
Teachers have been finalising their school reports to be sent home at the end of this term. It has been great to read about all the fantastic things our students are doing throughout their school days.
Next term is looking like a busy one! Some of our students will be participating in sessions run by WA Cricket. We will also be commencing some athletics training in readiness for the Sports Carnival in Week 5. We also have a few visits from Sensorium who will be performing and working with our students on the book, ‘10 Tiny Things.’ We will also be training a Lego League team to enter a competition being held in Term 4- watch this space for updates on all of these happenings!
Thank you for all your support throughout Term 2- we are looking forward to a productive Term 3. Stay safe over the holiday period and enjoy.
Kind Regards,
Simon Hume
Deputy Principal
Satellite News
Dear Families,
Our Satellite students have had an exciting and productive Term 2. The students have been very active participating in swimming and two sport clinics - AFL and Cricket. The AFL clinic was very successful. It was run by the West Australian Football Commission with the coaches excited and eager to teach our students.
WA Cricket is halfway through running their ‘Off the Bat Program” on Thursdays, which provides support and opportunities for students with disabilities to engage in an inclusive cricket program. These sporting clinics were a highlight for many of our students, with some students from Embleton Primary School joining in the lessons.
As the Durham Road swimming classes draw to an end, we want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to the City of Baywater!!! They have worked hard to provide us with a bus to transport all the students back to Embleton Primary School after their swimming lessons. This service is supported by volunteer drivers, and we are so grateful for the support they have given us!!
All Satellite students have been working hard in the classroom towards achieving their Individual Education Plan goals. By the end of term your child’s Semester 1 report will be sent home which demonstrates their effort and achievements. If you have any questions, please either see your child’s classroom teacher before school, or send them an email.
Next term Satellite 3 and 4 students will be participating in a 10 week Ballet Course, called ‘Chance 2 Dance’ run by the West Australian Ballet. A parent permission slip is being sent home. Could you please sign and return this as soon as possible.
I hope you have a relaxing school holiday, and we will see students return for Term 3 on Tuesday 16th of July.
Kind regards,
Cassie Camacho
Programme Coordinator

Secondary News
Since the last newsletter we have had a plethora of cool activities, incursions, and excursions. Our Mother’s Day Stall was a massive hit, with everything selling out and heaps of fantastic comments about the quality of the goods on sale. The students manning the stall did a great job and apart from some dodgy assistance provided by a Deputy (me!) to some parents, everything ran smoothly.
We also had another fantastic incursion from the State Emergency Service (SES). A group of SES volunteers came down with some of their vehicles and equipment, allowing the students to see and hold some cool pieces of hardware. The SES volunteers were great giving a short presentation on what they do and how they help the community and then they let us play with the equipment. The students were fascinated by everything, and we cannot thank them enough for giving up their time to show us what they do, and also thank them for the amazing service they provide.
Secondary also participated in another Kalability Sports Carnival. The teams from Durham Road School did us proud and competed hard against a variety of schools and centres. It goes without saying we were awesome!
We also did a whole secondary excursion to AQWA. Everyone had a great time and loved walking around looking at all the amazing exhibits and marine life. Watching the sharks and rays float above your head as you go through the tunnel is a perpetual favourite and something that never really gets old. Our students were on top behaviour and the day was one filled with enjoyment and colour. It was a great day out enjoyed by all.
But saving the best for last, especially when we are talking about colour was the Telethon Fun Run. This was organised by Montel and the gang from Room 27. What a day it was, mid 20s in temperate meant the slime stayed moist, the water and colour spray wet but not cold and the coloured powder bright and sticky. The students got to choose what activities they did, and everyone really contributed wonderfully. The school raised a whack of money for Telethon and the way we participated and how the Primary and Secondary students got involved was truly inspiring. It was an amazing day, and everyone involved had a wonderful time. So, thank you to Montel and the organising team and all the amazing helpers on the day..
Kind regards,
Heath Bradley
Deputy Principal
Early Years Leaning Centre
Room 30 is a hive of activity, always bustling with enthusiasm and hard work. Throughout this semester, we've delved into captivating science experiments such as Rainbow Eruptions and Grow a Rainbow, sparking our curiosity and fascination. Our creative endeavours extend beyond the realm of science, as we indulge in various art activities, igniting our imagination. During Mother's Day, we warmly welcomed our mothers to join us for an assembly and morning tea, providing them with a glimpse into our school life and creating cherished memories together. Additionally, we relish our time outdoors, embracing the playground with boundless energy and joy.

Room 18
During HASS this term, students in Room 18 have been learning about sea animals including turtles, and how to care for the environment by throwing their rubbish in the bin and being gentle with animals. They have enjoyed exploring various water-related experiences, tracking ‘Dhebra’ the turtle on the Fahlo app and going on an excursion to AQWA with Room 15. Students in Room 18 are to be commended for their great participation in all our underwater related activities. Check out our AQWA excursion photos.

Room 19
This term has been exceptionally busy and rewarding, filled with wonderful learning activities across various subjects.
Art: Our focus was on the creative exploration of colours and textures. Students experimented with mixing primary colours, resulting in a vibrant array of secondary hues. Additionally, they learned to create texture in their artwork by employing lines of different widths and patterns, adding depth and character to their pieces.
Science: We delved into the fascinating world of living things and observed various chemical changes. Hands-on experiments allowed students to observe life processes and chemical reactions.
HaSS and Health: Safety was a top priority as we concentrated on identifying road signs and implementing safe practices when crossing the road. Through interactive lessons and practical exercises, students gained essential knowledge and skills to navigate their environment safely and responsibly.
As we look forward to another term filled with exciting and fun activities, we wish everyone a safe and joyful holiday break. Enjoy your time off, and we can’t wait to see you back, ready for more adventures in learning!

Room 20
Term 2 was a blur of fun-filled activities in Room 20. In science, we have been learning about different types of animals, plants and habitats. We even went exploring around the school to find all sorts of living creatures. One of the highlights for this term was the Colour Run. We all had so much fun, we wish we could do a Colour Run every day!

Room 21
Room 21 have had a great Term 2! We have been working hard on our IEP Goals and ASDAN Portfolios. We also visited AQWA, took part in the Telethon Fun Run, visited staff members around the school to learn about their jobs, and have been cooking up a storm.
Well Done Team 21!

Room 22
Room 22 has had an incredibly busy and productive term over the past few months. Our focus has been on enhancing communication skills through various methods, including individual student devices, class PODD books, Key Word Sign, and tactile resources. As a result, students have made significant progress in making choices and expressing opinions across all learning areas.
This progress was particularly evident during some of the exciting events we recently participated in as a class. One highlight was the Western Australia Symphony Orchestra (WASO) incursion. Students were captivated by a selection of songs from popular children’s movies and television shows, such as Frozen and Bluey, performed by the WASO quartet. Additionally, we were fortunate to have an in-class meet-and-greet with the musicians, where some students enthusiastically tried their hand at strumming violins.
Another memorable event was the Telethon Colour Fun Run. The day was a resounding success, blessed with lovely weather that ensured everyone had a fantastic time. Overall, the term has been filled with enriching experiences that have contributed significantly to the students' development.

Room 23
We have had a fun packed term in Room 23 with incursions from the State Emergency Service, the Western Australian Fire Brigade, the West Coast Eagles and the Telethon Fun Run. A particular favourite is always the Senior Daylight Disco.
We have also gone on an excursion to AQWA which was awesome for all students. It was thrilling to see the marine animals up close. In room 23 we have been working hard in Term 3 on our IEP goals and on our ASDAN units which should be completed by the end of the year as all students are making great progress.

Room 24
It has continued to be a very busy time in Room 24. We’ve been working hard both in class and out of class. This term, we have gone on excursions based on leisure and recreation, to fulfil some of our ASDAN modules. These places include Perth Art Gallery, Woodbridge Park, Optus Stadium and AQWA. We also went to the airport for Corey’s 17th birthday. We had lots of fun at the school’s first Fun Run too. We are looking forward to going to Laser Tag for our end of term excursion. Wishing everyone a happy and safe holidays!

Room 28
Room 28 has had a fun start to winter. In addition to our core learning areas we have continued our weekly excursions, cooking lessons, explored various art activities and visited AQWA. These activities are designed to assist us in becoming more independent. Enjoy the pictures of us learning.

Room 29
The students and staff at Room 29 can’t believe how quickly this year has flown by! But time does fly when you’re having fun. With lots of fun activities such as bowling, cooking, bike riding and their now famous Friday arvo ‘block party’. On Thursdays the boys go to Zone Bowling with Room 28. They have a great time and bowl plenty of stikes! Lots of fun was also had at AQWA, the fire incursion and the colour run!

Satellite 3
We have had a busy term in Satellite 3. The students have been working hard on their core subjects, as well as participating in Australian Rules Football and Cricket clinics. Everyone has enjoyed themselves and improved their motor skills. On Thursdays, Satellite 3 students have also been taking cooking classes. Nachos, mini pizzas and toasted cheese and ham sandwiches are among the dishes that the students have made.

Satellite 4
This term Satellite 4 were involved in the Harmony Day celebrations at Embleton Primary. Staff and students dressed up, some in their national costumes and everyone had a great time tasting food from many countries.
Our class have also been participating in the footy clinic each week. They have been learning footy skills such as kicking and handballing.
All the students have been actively involved in these sessions.
Last week we had a worm farm incursion. The students had a great time learning about composting, its benefits for the garden and the maintenance of worm farms. The satellite 4 class have taken on the responsibility for caring for the worm farm which entails collecting suitable food and feeding the worms weekly.

Kaya Wanjoo,
The school has been a hive of activity this term. Very so slowly the Autumn sun is beginning to fade, rising later each morning and setting earlier each evening as the cooler air begins to set in. Another reminder to send in warmer clothes for those who attend the ETC for Art classes.
Students are continuing to be creative and explore the use of multi media in art classes. I have been enjoying observing students as they continue to learn new skills and techniques in art. Works are already being framed in preparation for the annual exhibition at the end of the year. I hope you all enjoy perusing the art photos.
Warm regards,
Karli Dore
Arts Teacher

The pool has been busy, busy with lots and lots of hydrotherapy this year. Luckily for all our students the pool is heated to a lovely 34 degrees which is perfect for our students who get cold easily. Did you know:
- Hydrotherapy builds strength, balance and coordination
- Hydrotherapy builds fine motor skills such as grip, hand and finger strength
- Hydrotherapy increases aerobic capacity
- Hydrotherapy allows exercise without pain or restricted movement
- Hydrotherapy improves range of motion of joints
- Hydrotherapy improves posture
Our students enjoy all these benefits when they have their sessions in the pool. We look forward to continuing our work in the water coming into the winter months. Please make sure your children have a nice big towel to keep them warm once they finish their session.
We’ve also had the pleasure of welcoming some of our satellite classes from Embleton primary school to have their “interm” swimming lessons. They have enjoyed the warmer pool and have had fun using all our equipment. Great Work Embleton!

Workplace learning
.As our students move towards adulthood, many want to gain independence, go out on their own and even catch public transport. This can be frightening for many parents but there are ways to provide yourself and your child with security as you take those first steps.
If your child has a smart phone, there are apps that you can use to track where they are and to let them know where you are. An example of this is “Find my Friend”. Once installed on the phones, parents and children can click on the app to see where their family members are.
There are also tracking devices that can be put in a student’s bag, wallet or pocket. When linked to a smart phone these devices will give their location to the smart phone user. Some such items are Apple Air Tag, or Tile Lost and Found.
If parents also want to be able to call or text their children, a watch that accepts calls and texts whilst also acting as a tracker could be the solution. Pixbee Kids or Spacetalk Adventurer 2 are examples of these multi-functional watches.
If your concern is more about your child feeling as though they can defend themselves when out, a personal alarm may be desirable, Guardian Safety products have a range of personal alarms available and are NDIS providers. Their range of alarms can be found here:
With 6 months until the long Christmas holidays, this is a great time to consider your child’s future independence and whether plans can be put in place to begin their move towards adult life.

Family Liaison Officers
We would like to thank you all for making the Mother’s Day Morning Tea and the Mother’s Day Stall a huge success.

Every little bit helps. See below some information found on Concessions WA. It is worth checking out the Concessions WA website https://concessions.communities.wa.gov.au to see if you may be entitled to some of these rebates/concessions.
Vehicle Licence Fee – exemption or reduction
Exemption from the payment of a vehicle licence fee or vehicle licence duty on the purchase of a vehicle or a reduction in vehicle licence fees.
Vehicles fitted with a wheelchair hoist/ramp concession
Department of Transport Driver and Vehicle Services
Ph: 13 11 56
Link: Licence Concessions & Exemptions
Ambulance Fees
Free or reduced fees for all emergency and urgent ambulance services, and non-urgent ambulance services that are deemed to be medically necessary and which are provided by the St John Ambulance service.
Name: St John Ambulance
Phone: 9334 1222
Email: ambulancepolicy@health.wa.gov.au
How to Apply
If possible, advise the ambulance paramedic that you hold a Pensioner Concession card when using a St John Ambulance. Otherwise, when paying the bill, provide the details of your eligibility.
Western Australians over the age of 65 who receive a full Centrelink or Department of Veterans Affairs Age Pension and who hold a current Pensioner Concession Card are entitled to a 100 per cent concession on the standard ambulance transport fee. Other Western Australians over the age of 65 years, and other holders of a current Pensioner Concession Card may be eligible for a 50 per cent concession. To check your eligibility please contact St John Ambuilance on 9334 1222.
Water Corporation Service Charges – rebate or deferment
The concession available is either a rebate on, or the deferment, of these charges. Pensioners or seniors who own and occupy residential property as their ordinary place of residence and have one or more of the following cards may be entitled to a rebate:
- Pensioner Concession Card or State Concession Card are entitled to receive up to a 50% rebate on water service charges. The rebate will be limited to a cap of $600 for the 2017-18 rating year.
- WA Seniors Card and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card are entitled to receive up to a 50% rebate on water service charges. The rebate will be limited to a maximum cap of $600 for the 2017-18 rating year.
- WA Seniors Card are entitled to receive up to a 25% rebate on water service charges. The rebate will be limited to a maximum cap of $100 for the 2017-18 rating year.
Concessions are available to pensioners and seniors who own and occupy their property and are available from the date of application.
Note: Eligible family members who are providing independent accommodation for a disabled family member may be entitled to receive a service charges rebate.
Water Corporation
Ph: 1300 659 951
Email: customer@watercorporation.com.au
Web: www.watercorporation.com.au
Link: Pensioner Concessions & Discounts
How to Apply
There is a joint application form for the Water Corporation Service Charges, Local Government Rates, Emergency Services Levy and Underground Electricity Connection Charges rebates. Water Corporation accepts applications over the phone, telephone 1300 659 951, and also provide an online application facility via www.watercorporation.com.au or contact your Local Council.
To receive a concession, you must:
- Own and occupy the property as your “ordinary place of residence”
- Hold an appropriate concession card/s
To Own means you must:
- Be the owner or a co-owner of the property registered on the Certificate of Title, or
- have a “right to reside” at the property under the term of a Will (a copy of the appropriate documents need to be provided), or
- hold a long-term lease in a retirement village, park home park, lifestyle village or caravan park (refer to the owner/operator to enquire whether rebate applies)
Paying your service charges by the due date
To receive your rebate for each billing period, you need to pay your bills by the due date. If you cannot pay your account on time, you can ask us to extend your due date or apply for a payment arrangement by calling Water Corporation on 1300 659 951
Disability Support Pension (DSP )
A small in road to Independence
Has your teenager turned 16 or is your child turning 16 in 2024? They are now entitled to the Disability Support Pension.
This can be a lengthy process engaging the pension. We suggest you get it started as soon as possible.
Your Family Liaison Officers are here to help. Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance.
WA Student Assistance Payment
Don’t forget to claim the WA Student Assistance Payment, you can only claim this until Friday 28th June 2024. If you are having any problem claiming this payment of $120 for Primary students and $250 for secondary students please contact us on 9238 0900.
The ServiceWA app is the fastest and most convenient way to claim the payment.
Download the latest version of the ServiceWA app and log in with your Digital Identity (myGovID).
Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/servicewa/id1599181775
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.gov.wa.digital.service.mobile.servicewa.citizen
For app support, head to WA.gov.au/servicewaapp