Teaching and Learning information

Staff ensure that planning is holistic and responsive to each students’ strengths.  All learning programs are adjusted to accommodate individual needs and learning styles.  Instructional strategies are selected to enhance engagement and achievement. Each phase of schooling contributes to the student’s educational journey and has its own unique focus.

The school has a strong and empowering leadership model that supports each staff member by focussing on their potential.

Teachers use Positive Education principles to promote four Key Expectations in all classes:

I am safe, I am responsible, I am a learner, and I am kind. 

The school’s Vision and Values underpin all teaching and learning experiences.

  • Kids Come First
  • Teachers Who Care
  • Stronger Together
  • Above and Beyond
  • Every Day is a New Day
  • High Expectations + Support = Achievement

Daily instruction incorporates additional supports for students with disability.

  • Communication
  • Social Skills
  • Play Skills
  • Sensory Based Learning
  • Skills for Daily Living
  • Protective Behaviours

Kindergarten programs focus on the learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework.

  • Effective communicators
  • Sense of identity
  • Sense of wellbeing
  • Confident and involved learners
  • Connection with the world

Individual Education Plans for Primary and Lower Secondary students are based on the Western Australian Curriculum

  • English
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Technologies
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Science
  • The Arts

The Upper Secondary phase of schooling focusses on skills, knowledge and strong pathways which will prepare students to enjoy successful lives after school.

  • Self-Management Skills
  • Safety in the Community
  • Alternatives to Employment
  • Workplace Learning
  • TAFE Certificates
  • ASDAN Courses